If you believe that a young person is at immediate risk of harm, you must contact the police on 999 or 101.
If you have a safeguarding concern and need to discuss this, you can contact the social care team in the area the young person lives:
Staffordshire: 0300 111 8007
Derbyshire: 01629 533190
Derby City: 01332 641172
For adults, you can contact the local adult safeguarding team.
For non-urgent enquiries, the Esteem FASST website has lots of information that you might find helpful:
Family And Student Support Team (FAAST) (
Stanton Vale regards it’s responsibility to safeguard pupils with the upmost importance. Keeping pupils safe is our ‘golden thread’ that can be seen and felt in every element of the schools work and staff are empowered to report a concern either to one of the DSLs or if their concern is about the Headteacher, then this is to be reported to the Chair of Trustees.
Staff receive regular training to ensure they have a good understanding of how to keep our children and their families safe.
If a parent/carer has a safeguarding concern which you would like raise, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Emma Kehoe) on 0115 9729769 or email

Nominated Safeguarding Governor : Aime Perkins
External support is provided by the Esteem MAT Safeguarding & FASST Lead : Hannah Longley
More information about Safeguarding at Stanton Vale School can also be found in our Safeguarding Policy.
The Safeguarding Policy clearly identifies how we will deal with a concern. It may be helpful to know that the Local Authority requires Headteachers to report any obvious or suspected child abuse to Social Care. This duty is not something we consider lightly and we hope that you would recognise that the school will act in a child’s best interest.
CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.
Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click to visit the CEOP Safety Centre.
If you have a concern, which is out of school hours, please use the information below ;
Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility, If you have any concerns there is a dedicated team at Derbyshire Support Services, called Starting Point 01629 53 53 53′, if you have an immediate concern.