PE & Sports Premium
The funding for PE and Sports has enabled Stanton Vale to make additional and sustainable improvements to quality of PE, physical activity and sport for our pupils. This is supporting a greater level of engagement in activities that best support the pupils development. Our curriculum offer now enables a greater breadth of physical activity, which benefit the physical, sensory, social, health and well-being development of pupils.
Rebound therapy is now embedded in the curriculum with a large number of staff accredited to deliver this. This is part of the curriculum and bespoke lessons are delivered throughout the year. Pupils have enjoyed engaging and learning new sports and activities through the support of Derby County’s community engagement coaches.
Our PE lead has worked with class teachers in planning lessons to encourage pupils to learn how to engage and compete in different physical activities across sports such as boccia, cricket, new age curling and ten pin bowling.
Activities are planned throughout the year, which include a residential and other out of school adventurous activities.