Communication & Interacton
Communication is an integral part of our curriculum at Stanton Vale. In order for our pupils to make their needs known, express their emotions and develop relationships, they must develop the ability to communicate effectively with a communication method that works for them.
At Stanton Vale we use a variety of communication systems that are individualised for each young person and we work with our Speech and Language Therapist to ensure that the systems is right for each pupil. Examples include Intensive Interaction, Makaton, Objects of Reference, Tassels, PECS, Symbols, Phonics, Speaking, Mark Making and writing.
Throughout our day, we practice, learn and develop our communication methods to support self expression. This teaching follows students throughout their school life to develop communication skills that promote independence as they make their way to adulthood.
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- PECS is the use of symbols as communication for pupils as a tool to enable them to communicate their wants and needs. Some of our teachers are trained by Pyramid Education to ensure we have consistency and quality teaching for those students accessing this communication method.
- Makaton is used across school. It is a fantastic way to support pupils who communicate both verbally and non-verbally in their communication. All of our staff use basic Makaton and we have staff who are trained and experienced who work alongside the Speech and Language Therapist to ensure that Makaton is promoted across school.
Intensive Interaction
- Intensive Interaction is an approach to helping students who are in the early stages of developing communication and social skills. The approach is based on the way we observe and respond to the actions and noises of infants, and interpret these as communication. This is an integral part of communication for our Support and some Nurture Pathway and Avenue students.
Objects of Reference
- Objects of Reference are tangible, multi-sensory objects used to represent a person, activity or event. Over time a child can learn that the object stands for something. Objects of Reference are used to help a pupils understand what is happening in their environment. Our Support, Explore and Nurture Pathway and Avenue pupils may use this to develop understanding of what is coming next in their daily timetable.
- For our pupils with profound learning difficulties, touch is a vital channel of communication. Touch-speech cues are used across the Support Pathway and Avenues to promote effective communication with pupils to communicate what will happen next so our pupils feel safe in what can sometimes feel like an unpredictable environment.