Stanton Vale delivers high quality RE days for all pupils in line with the Derbyshire RE policy and guidance. RE content is delivered in a way that is meaningful for our pupils including sensory stories, tray-based exploration, cooking and discussion. Pathway/Avenues have their specific delivery methods, and this enables all pupils to access RE content in a way that is meaningful to them. The teaching of these days is inclusive of religious and non-religious views and the teaching of this subject is delivered through immersive days that encourage pupils to develop their wider understanding of the world they live in, making connections with what they see in their everyday lives and how this links to some people’s faith and belief.

As parents/carers, you have a right to withdraw your child from the teaching of RE days. Should you wish to do this, please email the school office on with the following statement signed and dated from the email account we hold for you. ‘I, parent/carer of, insert child(ren)s name wish to withdraw my child from the teaching of RE’